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शरी-आदि-नाथाय नमो|अस्तु तस्मै येनोपदिष्ह्टा हठ-योग-विद्या|
विभ्राजते परोन्नत-राज-योगम आरोढुमिछ्छोरधिरोहिणीव||

Salutation to Adinatha (Śiva) who expounded the knowledge of Haṭha Yoga, which like a staircase leads the aspirant to the high pinnacled Raja Yoga.

I have been practicing yoga since I was a child, following Hatha Yoga VHS tapes with my grandmother. It immediately became a defining interest and eventually a lifelong study for me. In 2006, I completed a two-year, 500-hour training program, focusing on Sivananda Yoga and Vinyasa. I started teaching regularly in 2007 and have been learning from a variety of teachers across the United States and in India ever since. 


The primary influences in my teaching include a love of Indic source texts within Hatha Yoga, Advaita Vedantia, and Tantric traditions, alongside a passion for exploring techniques for functional movement. Katonah Yoga® has been fundamental in shaping how I approach postural yoga. It is integrated into all of my teaching, guiding how I cue anatomy and structure of poses. This formal structure has helped me heal old injuries finding more ease within the practice. It promotes an embodied experience that is functional and based on maintaining healthy joints and longevity. 


My teaching philosophy is rooted in the goals of post-classical Hatha Yoga. The historical period of Yoga was when the body-affirming practices of Tantra added to the, often extreme, transcendental practices of Hatha. This historical shift led to the recognition of the sacred within the experience of embodiment. It is the intersection of these traditions that fascinates me daily. The practical implications are potent in our modern practice, training us to transcend the limitations of the body-mind through meditation and pranayama, and thus making the divine experience of the everyday accessible to us.

I am a current student in Applied Hindu Theology at the Ramakrishna Seminary

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